Parenting Advice

Kids, Cell Phones, Internet, and Addiction
Scientists focus more on the way cell phones and internet technologies affect teens. But there’s a justifiable necessity to shift one’s attention to young children. Still, the difficulty lies in the fact that it’s unethical to put young kids at risk just to measure the negative effect of frequent phone use. Thus, the number of […]

How to Be a Positive Role Model for Your Kids
Kids know nothing about life. They learn by example. Everything they can do, beginning with speaking, is learned by the example of other people. Do you remember The Jungle Book by Kipling? Mowgli learns from his surroundings – wild animals, since he had no chance to get to know how to be a human being. […]

What is Positive Punishment with Examples (Test Yourself)
Positive punishment is a type of influence on the other person that prevents him or her from doing undesirable actions. It’s related to Skinner’s theory of operant conditioning in positive punishment. Today, we’ll try to understand positive punishment in psychology and how to connect it with effective parenting. It may seem slightly confusing, but positive […]

How to Explain Love to Little Children
Feelings are hard to explain because children are either too young to have them, or they just cannot realize them. Parents aren’t often ready to meet their kids’ curiosity. Try asking yourself what love is. Is it easy to answer? I suppose no. Then imagine how confusing the thoughts of a 4-year-old are. The Reality […]

Best Ways to Stay Connected With Your Kids
Research in the journal Pediatrics has revealed that connecting with kids helps them not just live happily but even flourish in life. Thus, 49% of 37,000 children who reported having a good relationship with parents were more likely to enjoy their life. Furthermore, the kids were from 26 different countries which proves the truthfulness of […]

How to Raise a Strong-Willed Child (& Signs You Have One)
Bringing up children isn’t always cheerful. Kids can throw temper tantrums, and be unsatisfied with your views on their daily schedule. Plus, there`s nothing more unpredictable than their mood. The parents of such kids perceive calm children as a blessing. Yet, is parenting a strong-willed child so unbearable? I don’t think so, as well as […]