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Books About Happiness for Kids

Best books about happiness for kids
The research observing the life of Baby Boomers and Generation X born in England reveals that those people who reported high levels of well-being in childhood grow out to be happier than their peers in adult life as well. It’s not easy to be happy, by the way. 
One needs some effort to build emotional intelligence that leads to mindfulness and happiness. But you can instill the habit to be happy in your children when they are still young. And books on happiness and positivity are a great tool to start the very process. Here is my list of top 5 books to introduce to your kids. 

Books About Happiness to Read Right Now

Children can be very inconsistent and moody when looking for a book to read. What matters to them are:

  • Colorful illustrations;
  • Eye-catching covers;
  • Outstanding design.

They don`t care for the content or rather its profound meaning. Everything they are interested in is the measure the book entertains them. Parents should do their best to find the very book which meets the requirements. 
Yo your convenience, I have found these 5 books about being happy which can become a real page-turner. Let’s look at them. 

The Choices I Make by Michael Gordon

It’s the latest book of the author in the series of self-regulation books for preschoolers. What is difficult for even adults is to make choices. But the choices that we make define whether we’ll be happy or miserable. Many people lack the skill of making choices and are exposed to doubts and fears. 
This book can teach your little one to analyze one`s behavior and choose the right path. It’s written for kids and about kids. Your child will have no trouble getting to the point. 
The book was honored with two high awards:

  • 2022 Readers’ Favorite Gold Medal Winner
  • Mom’s Choice Awards

What makes this book so special? First, it’s not too long and contains a rhyming story. Second, there are coloring pages in the print version.
The Choices I Make teaches kids to:

A highly relatable character, a boy named Josh will teach your little ones on his own example, facing daily life situations and finding a way out of them. The book benefits your kid`s emotional intelligence without which it is impossible to be content with life. For that matter, what else is needed to be happy? 

How Full Is Your Bucket? by Tom Rath

This is a cautionary story for preschoolers and elementary school students about the connection between our actions and the way we feel. Felix, a young boy, explains to kids that we should treat other people with respect to be respected ourselves. 
He uses a simple metaphor – a bucket of water – to make it clear how good and bad deeds affect us. Each time somebody favors us, the bucket gets fuller, and, vice versa, the water disappears if we are subjected to evil. Step by step, Felix gets to know the importance of having the full bucket because it makes us happier. 
This book is well-illustrated and not overwhelmed with extra text. Children have no difficulty comprehending it. One may find it rather funny than cautionary. The effect it has on kids is hard to overestimate. You can even ask your little one to draw the bucket and “add (paint) drops” throughout the day to see how it’s changing depending on external circumstances. 
I’m sure this one deserves to be in your collection of books on finding happiness within yourself. Although the metaphor of a bucket of water seems to be childish, it’s quite true for adults as well. 
Best Books About Happiness

Wally Whale’s Mighty Tail by Kim Linette 

This book will appeal to young dreamers and travelers. The protagonist is a young boy Koa who finds out about the secret Wally the Whale keeps. He sets off on an adventure to reveal the truth. All the boy knows is that the clue is written on the whale’s tail. What a surprise awaits Koa when he finally gets to know that the treasure that was inside the whale all the time was happiness. 
The boy overcomes challenges, travels through the ocean, and faces many obstacles. His story certainly wins the hearts of strong-willed kids tempted to experience adventures. 
The book is a part of the EQ Explorers series of books on happiness. The keynote is that happiness is a choice and not a chance. No matter where you`re and what you`re busy with, you can be happy everywhere because it’s something you have inside you. The idea is quite true because it’s common for people to forget about the things which make them happy.
Young readers will have no difficulties reading it because it`s a kind of funny adventurous picture book with eye-catching illustrations. The story is written in such an accessible way that it is understandable even to little children. 

Social Skills Activities for Kids by Natasha Daniels

Human beings cannot live without social interaction. Even the most introvert-like personalities have close friends to chat with. And open-minded and easy-going people, in their turn, often share minutes of happiness with their close ones and friends, making a great contribution to their level of happiness. 
Social Skills Activities for Kids is a guidebook for those who are too shy or just hesitate to make new friends. And if the best books about happiness concentrate on the very feeling, this one teaches your kid the skill of happiness. 
The author believes that communication skills don’t come naturally, but develop throughout life. Some children learn by experience making many mistakes. But with this book, your child will know everything about communication in a matter of days. It includes 50 activities to develop and boost skills needed for interaction with peers and adults and for character building
Your kid will learn how to:

  • Keep the conversation going;
  • Argue politely;
  • Read social clues;
  • Navigate situations;
  • Recognize and use body language, etc.

The book is good for kids aged 5-8.

Everyone Feels Sad Sometimes by Daniela J. Owen 

The notion opposite of happiness is sadness. And as long as we feel sad we cannot savor the beauty around us. Kids are often subjected to constant mood changes that affect their well-being. The author, Dr. Daniela Owen, being an assistant professor of clinical psychology, wants to help children become emotionally aware and teach them to deal with sadness. Though she’s touching on a very sensitive issue, the book is quite appropriate for kids of all ages beginning with 3-year-olds. 
The picturebook tells young readers that it’s OK to experience negative feelings, but one should put some effort to stop being depressed. It offers activities feasible for all ages. They make boys and girls focus on something more positive and find the feeling of happiness. 
Actually, the book includes pictures that represent happiness. You don’t even need to read it to understand what you should do to boost your mood and keep enjoying life. Everything is clear in the pictures.


Parents who get their kids accustomed to books on happiness and positivity do a big favor to them. Such children already know where to find the answers to their questions when they’re going through hard times. Such books develop their emotional intelligence, which is certainly better than just reading a book for fun. I hope your kids will enjoy these 5 best happiness books and frequently use the advice and skills obtained. 
P.S. Take a look at this list of books about diversity that help kids learn this great skills. 

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