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How to Inspire Kids’ Activity + Top 25 Blogs to Follow

Children have much more energy than adults. Kids’ natural curiosity leads them to new discoveries. Never in their life will they be more passionate about learning new things. That’s your chance to show children how diverse the world is. 

Types of Activities for Kids 

Kids have a wide range of activity options. They can participate in almost any of them (with some exceptions, of course). For example, you live in a mountain area, but your child wants to go yachting. In this case, you need to either find a possibility to grant the wish or shift his attention to something else. 

There are three basic types of activities:

  • Physical;
  • Educational;
  • Creative.

Each one consists of smaller branches. Let’s take a quick look at them.

Physical activities can be:

  • Indoor;
  • Outdoor. 


Most children prefer the last one since it provides more possibilities. Physical activities develop team-building skills since lots of people take part in them. A child can indulge in an activity alone, though, e.g. jogging. But having a run partner, or at least a dog, brings much more pleasure. That’s true for all kinds of outdoor activities. 


Indoor physical activities can be both solo or group. Here one can surf the net in search of ideas. You can find exercises and games for all ages. Nowadays, it’s even more relevant, so you will lack the days to try everything out. Making up house rules together can be both an indoor and creative activity. 


Educational activities bring no less pleasure. Educational activities include cooking, gardening, DIY projects, board games, playing Legos, etc. These can be either indoor or outdoor.

Educational activities are necessary for the development of mental abilities. They broaden horizons, increase erudition, and enhance brain functions. 


Creative activities are the most challenging. Children involved in them turn out to be imaginative and artistic. They have a very developed sense of beauty. Such kids are also out-of-box thinkers. 

Creative activities involve doing arts. It can be:

  • Acting;
  • Singing;
  • Painting;
  • Playing a musical instrument;
  • Dancing;
  • Sketching;
  • Design;
  • Photography;
  • Writing, etc.

Each type has more branches due to the variety of techniques and materials. 

Look at a list of kids’ activities blogs to help parents out. 

1. by Holly

“I think of kids activities as more of a survival strategy for parents and caregivers than anything else. Having something to get kids started with being creative and playing can change an entire day. Kids need to learn to work through boredom without screens and passive entertainment and one way is to distract them with something playful.”

2. by Faye

“Kids love learning through play and they also like to try new things.  Therefore, it’s so important that they have a variety of activities to stimulate their creativity and feed their need to investigate the world around them.”

3. by Crystal

Curiosity, creativity, and culture.

4. The by Jenny

Crafts for kids and adults. Sewing and home decorating ideas.

5. by Susie

Hands-on, play-based learning for families and the classroom.

6. by Jean

Ideas, information, and inspiration to encourage you to enjoy and share art with the kids. 

7. by Allison

“If we want young children to enjoy learning we have to meet them where they are at. No Time For Flash Cards’s goal is to help the adults who teach preschoolers-at home and school – to do that.”

8. by Nadia

Creating intentional learning opportunities for kids at home. 

9. by Anna

Interactive learning games for kids.

10. by Shruti Acharya

Best art/craft project for your kids or class. 

11. by Katie

Educational resources, printables, and hands-on activities. 

12. by Kate

Activities, printables, and parenting advice. 

13. by Allison

Activity inspiration, printables, and crafts. Plus some technology reviews and travel adventures. 

14. Activity by Nicole

Inspiration for children to explore and create. Empowerment for parents to connect with their children through learning. 

15. by Maggy

Fun and easy crafts for everyone. 

16. by Marcia

Making art with children and teaching about art in our world. 

17. by Kate

Simple and creative activities that you can do with your child. 

18. by Megan

Awesome activities your kids can’t wait to do in just minutes without making a special trip to the store for crazy supplies.

19. by Katie 

Homeschooling questions, crafts, playing, and, of course, love.

20. by Jodi

“Parenting is one of the most challenging, joyful and important jobs we have. If you are looking for ways to be inspired and to be more intentional in your parenting, Jodi created Meaningful Mama as a resource center full of activities, parenting tips, crafts, fun food ideas and more. She even developed a character building series where you can work on 52 different character trades with your kids, one for each week of the year. Hoping you will find inspiration that helps you more easily engage in a meaningful way with your kids using the lessons and activities she provides.”

21. Amanda

Craft kits and books.

22. Krissy

Simple kids’ crafts, learning fun, family recipes, and creative parenting.

23. by Chelsea

Ebooks, printable workshops, and children’s storybooks.

24. by Ana

Magical, easy projects you can do together, inspiring everyone at the creative table.

25. by Bar

Books, learning at home, and art workshops. 

It doesn’t matter which activity your son or daughter prefers. It’s Ok if a boy loves dancing and a girl wants to practice aikido. You may be a third-generation musician, but that’s not the reason to make your children play the guitar. Kids know what they need better than adults. The task is to create favorable conditions for taking activities. 

You can only insist on one thing. Convince a child to take part in at least one of these three types of activities. Thus, he will grow to be a well-rounded person. For example, let the kid give preference to physical activities. But once a week, he should pay attention to the creative and educational ones. It’s effective anyway. 

Do not neglect the opportunities the modern world provides. Your children will be grateful to you.

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