Top Homeschooling Styles to Choose From
As soon as you take your kid out of school to homeschool, it’s high time to think about a learning style, which influences everything: Daily schedule; Topics your kid learns; The amount of time needed; Learning environment; Evaluation system; The choice of material and even lecturers (you or a qualified teacher), etc. The homeschooling method is a […]
Best Ways to Stay Connected With Your Kids
Research in the journal Pediatrics has revealed that connecting with kids helps them not just live happily but even flourish in life. Thus, 49% of 37,000 children who reported having a good relationship with parents were more likely to enjoy their life. Furthermore, the kids were from 26 different countries which proves the truthfulness of […]
How to Raise a Strong-Willed Child (& Signs You Have One)
Bringing up children isn’t always cheerful. Kids can throw temper tantrums, and be unsatisfied with your views on their daily schedule. Plus, there`s nothing more unpredictable than their mood. The parents of such kids perceive calm children as a blessing. Yet, is parenting a strong-willed child so unbearable? I don’t think so, as well as […]
Fathers Matter (+Father’s Day Celebration Ideas)
Traditionally moms are paid more attention. Kids devote rhymes to them and paint pictures to give as gifts on Mom’s Day. Dads are always left behind, but is it fair? The importance of fathers is underestimated nowadays. What Is the Role of the Father? Apart from making a living, dads can take responsibility for their […]
How to Transition from Traditional School to Homeschooling
Starting homeschooling is a nervous process since one has to change his daily routine completely. It affects not only students but their parents too. Mom or dad should stick to a new schedule, retire from work or start working remotely. Also, parents have to find out all the legal details associated with the transition to […]
Your 101 Guide to Homeschooling
Homeschooling is becoming more and more popular. In 2020-2021, there were approximately 3.7 million students that studied at home. Interestingly, since 2019, the number has increased to more than a million. That can be explained by the pandemic, which has changed the number dramatically. Still, homeschooling owes its popularity not only to the pandemic but […]
Books for kids
My Superpower Values was developed to teach children about emotions, values, and the superpower behind learning how to manage them from an early age.
The box set is perfect for children 3-8 and is suitable for boys, girls, early readers, primary school students, and even toddlers. It serves as an exceptional resource for educators, parents, and teachers.